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Homeless Heroes

Mother with her 2 kids bonding with a rescued dog from Hilton Butler

Homeless Heroes is an extension of The Butler Family Foundation, a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Corporation. We are dedicated to rescuing owner surrendered dogs and giving them a second chance. In a 2021 Pet Adoption Statistics Study, the Humane Society found that between 7% and 20% of adopted dogs are returned to the shelter within 6 months of adoption. The sad truth is that owner surrendered dogs are among the first to be euthanized in shelters as there is no waiting period for owners to claim them. We believe with a little education these dogs will make wonderful additions to any family.

Our Homeless Heroes are either rescued from animal shelters or are referred to us by other rescue organizations. Once a dog has joined our organization, we ensure that all vaccinations are up to date, the dog is spayed or neutered, microchipped, and heartworm, flea, and tick treatment is begun. All dogs that are available for adoption through Homeless Heroes have had a minimum of 3 weeks of training in our home. This will ensure that your Homeless Hero will be crate trained, house trained, perform basic commands, have good house manners, and will be socialized with adults, children, and other dogs*. We firmly believe in educating you and your dog to ensure that our Homeless Heroes are never homeless again.

With the adoption of your Homeless Hero, you will receive a written report of your dog’s temperament and demeanor. You will receive our comprehensive training manual to assist you in transferring all of the training into your home. You will also be provided with a copy of all veterinary records, collar, leash, a bag of food, and recommended toys.

Our goal is to educate owners, eliminate owner-surrendered dogs, and save lives.

Icon For Researching Dog Breeds Suitable For Your Home Needs. 
Do your research:

Know your breed traits in the dogs or types of dogs that you are considering adopting. Understand that a certain dog may look like a certain breed that does not mean that it is only that breed. Every breed has its own traits and characteristics. While breed traits are not set in stone they are a good starting point when choosing your dog.

Icon For Differentiation of Dog Behaviour at Home compared to shelter. 
Many dogs will behave differently in the shelter environment than they will at your home:

It generally takes a dog 10-14 days to settle into their new home and for them to become comfortable in their new environment.

Icon For Miscommunication between dog and human
Miscommunication is one of the major reasons that dogs end up in shelters:

The dog that you may consider adopting may have come to the shelter for developing bad habits in its first home. Understand that most bad behaviors are not the dog’s fault but an issue of poor communication between dog and human.

Icon For Representing Dog Sizes and Their Energy Levels.
Size matters!

Contrary to popular belief, small dogs are not always the best apartment dogs. Smaller dogs generally have a higher energy level and need more space or attention to burn off that energy. Many of the giant breeds are better fit for apartment living due to less activity required to burn energy.

Icon Representing Financial Commitment Before Purchasing A Dog. 
Consider your financial commitment:

The annual cost of raising a dog can vary from $500-$3000 or more. Larger dogs require more food. Dogs with longer coats require more grooming. Certain breeds are more prone to medical issues. Costs that you should plan for are your adoption fee, veterinary care, food, grooming, supplies, pet sitting or boarding and training. All of these items can add up quickly and is another reason why your potential dog may have been surrendered to the shelter.

Icon Representing Different Dog Lifestyles According to the owner.
What is your lifestyle?

Are you an active, outdoorsy type or a quiet night at home type? How many hours a day are you home? These are all things to consider when you are looking at different breed mixes. A long-haired pretty dog may enjoy sitting in your camper but may not enjoy the 3-mile hike you plan to take that afternoon. You should understand the physical limitations of the different dogs that you are considering.

Do you have children?

How many and what are their ages? There are many breeds that are wonderful with children but there are also many breeds that are less tolerant of our kids. Consulting with a professional trainer or reputable breeder will help provide you with correct information on the breed types that you are considering.

Do you have other pets?

Some dogs have high prey drives and some are naturally dog aggressive. You must consider these things when planning to bring a new dog into your home and have harmonious living. *ALWAYS consult a professional trainer when dealing with any type of aggression issues.

A dog icon with a stick in its mouth shows the importance of training. 
Training, training, training:

The need for training cannot be overstated. Dogs and humans communicate differently. Dogs can easily fit into our lives when boundaries and guidelines are well established. There are many training options out there: books, online tools, commercial pet store classes, professional trainers, etc. No matter which option you choose, choose one.

This is a lifetime commitment:

A commitment for the lifetime of your dog. Small dogs generally live longer than larger breeds. Know that you are possibly making a 10-15 year commitment depending on breed types. Dogs are not expendable. You should consider the next 10-15 years of your life. If you do not currently have children but plan to in that timeframe consider the breed type you are adopting. If you plan on moving can you take your dog with you? You cannot know the answer to all of these types of questions that will come up in your future but you should put some thought into what would happen with your dog if…

Let Us Help You Along Your Rescue Journey

At Hilton Butler, Inc., we strive to make dog ownership as richly rewarding as possible. Our clients enjoy a personalized and committed approach. If you are looking to add a rescue dog to your family, please give us a call and mention our Puppy Recruiting Program. If you have added a rescue dog to your family, we can help with that too! We offer a variety of K-9 Bootcamp training programs to assist dogs of all ages. Call us now.

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