Veteran Service Dog Training in Frisco, TX, & Allen, TX
Unrivaled Veteran Service Dog Training by Hilton Butler in Dallas-Fort Worth
While many animals can be service animals, none are as common and effective as dogs. Dogs can perform various tasks designed to help and support those with disabilities or impairments, and none deserve it more than our veterans. Hilton Butler is dedicated to helping veterans throughout the DFW area by offering unrivaled veteran dog training programs. Service dogs can help ease mental and physical impairments. Many veterans have PTSD and are in varying stages of handicaps. Service dogs have been shown to lessen their impact on their lives. Reach out if you want to learn more about our veteran dog training programs.

Overview of Our Veteran Dog Training Program
Service dogs have become integral to veterans’ lives. They follow a series of set commands, act as faithful companions, and help complete tasks. Our training program will first establish and work on foundational skills such as house training while instilling basic commands such as sit, stay, and come. Once completed, we’ll work on ensuring your dog can remain on task regardless of the presence of unfamiliar people, sights, and scents. Lastly, our trainers will work with you to determine your needs and train your dog to fit your lifestyle. Whether that’s help with PTSD symptoms, checking to make sure your home is safe, or being a faithful companion, you can rely on our veteran service dog training.
Key Features of Our Training Program
Our veteran service dog training program will instill a sense of responsibility while remaining compassionate enough to help at a moment’s notice. We want to help reinforce the necessary skills to ensure you always have a reliable companion. The training programs we offer are rooted in family. Dog training is just as important for the owner as it is for the dog. We’ll work with veterans to instill the right behaviors to live everyday life. Unlike traditional training programs, we offer in-home lessons designed to train dogs to navigate and help in a familiar environment. Veteran service dogs can be trained to offer comforting and supportive services, including:
- Applying Pressure Therapy
- Creating a Safe Personal Space
- Look Around Corners and Doorways
- Search Homes
- React to Emotional Stress
- Turn on the Lights
- Assist with Balance
- Seizure Alert
- Retrieve Objects and Medications
- And More
Explore the Benefits and Importance of Veteran Service Dogs
Everyone at Hilton Butler is committed and passionate about helping veterans heal through our service dog training programs. Our veterans with physical disability benefit emotionally and physically from a service dog. With our help, they can regain their freedom and independence while finding a life-long companion. The bond established between veterans and their service helps can help them heal while gaining the necessary support to continue their recovery journey. Take a look at some additional benefits of our veteran dog training program:
- Increased Independence
- Consistent Companionship and Support
- Constant Sense of Safety
- Reduced Length and Intensity of Nightmares
Why Choose Hilton Butler?
We’re a family-owned and veteran-operated business that brings a sense of family into our business. This allows us to advocate for rescue dogs and help veterans and families gain loving and compassionate companion. We believe our role in helping families train their dogs is just as vital as the dogs themselves. We can create a stronger bond between dogs and owners by focusing on family. As mentioned, we make in-home visits to help train dogs in familiar environments. Our founder, Hilton Butler, is a former Airforce Sergeant with over 20 years of experience in police K-9 handling and was an instructor for the Department of Defense Dog Training School.
Find Your New Service Dog with Our Help
Everyone at Hilton Butler believes every veteran deserves a service dog to help save their life. It’s our goal to provide the necessary training to better the lives of our veterans, whether it’s helping around the home, assistance with disorders such as PTSD, or additional protection. We’re confident that our veteran service dog training program will positively impact your quality of life. You’ve done so much for us. It’s time for us to help you. To learn more about our training programs, don’t hesitate to give us a call or fill out our contact form.