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Family Owned and Operated Since 2005

At Hilton Butler, Inc., we make bad dogs good and good dogs better. We advocate for rescue dogs and believe our work helps reduce the number of dogs placed in shelters. Our role in helping families train their dogs is as important to us as the dogs themselves. From the first day we opened, we have maintained a family-oriented way of thinking. We believe our emphasis on family is why our customers choose us and opt to stay long-term. Over the years, we have maintained our belief that a successful and trustworthy business keeps its promises – no matter what.

Hilton Butler is the owner of Hilton Butler in DFW

Hilton Butler

Hilton Butler is a husband and father of seven in Farmersville, Texas. He and his wife, Christine, started K-9 Bootcamp in the summer of 2005 with the dog training skills that Hilton learned in the military.

The former Air Force Sergeant has over 20 years of law enforcement experience, police K-9 Handling, and was an instructor for the Department of Defense Dog Training School. He was trained by the U.S. Air Force, has worked with all branches of the military and other government agencies including the FBI, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security and TSA. His intensive service and training in the military included some not-so-everyday situations like training dogs for gunfire tolerance and detection of explosives.

Hilton’s military experience set the stage for his expertise as a trainer and provided access to a side of the dog world few ever see or even know exists. This understanding and appreciation of the dog/owner relationship hits home with even the most novice dog owner.

You Can Trust Us Due to Our Results and Reputation

We are proud members of the Farmersville Chamber of Commerce, and our company is a well-known contributor to the health and training of dogs throughout the region. But what matters most to us is our customers. We are thrilled to watch dogs transform from exuberant puppies to well-mannered dogs in just a short period. If you’ve recently considered dog training – no matter the age – schedule a consultation with our team today. We would love the opportunity to develop a life-long relationship with you and your dog through our family training programs today.

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