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Dog Training Programs in the DFW Area

We Make Bad Dogs Good and Good Dogs Better

Discover the transformative power of a well-trained companion with Hilton Butler. As the DFW area’s leading dog training destination, we go beyond traditional dog training programs. With our K-9 dog training, we offer a custom-tailored approach to harmonizing the relationship between owners and dogs of all breeds.

Our trainer playing with a great dane dog in DFW
Training Program

Proven training techniques that enhance the interaction between dog and owner.

Dogs learning to use the ramp at Hilton Butler in DFW
Dog Obedience Training
Puppy Recruiting

Based on your wants and needs, we help you choose the right dog for your home.

A dog getting trained by his trainer at Hilton Butler in Dallas-Fort Worth

Dog Obedience Training Reconceptualized

Hilton Butler’s K-9 Bootcamp reconceptualizes dog training. With several proven programs led by our industry-leading dog trainer, we cater to the needs of dogs and their owners. With years of experience, each program leverages proven communication techniques to enhance the relationship between dogs and owners for sustainable results and a lifetime of obedience and trust.

Puppy campout at Hilton Butler icon
Puppy Campout
Basic training at Hilton Butler icon
Basic Training
Advanced training at Hilton Butler icon
Advanced Training
Behavior modification at Hilton Butler icon
Behavior Modification
Bootcamp FAQ at Hilton Butler icon
Bootcamp FAQ
Class Photos at Hilton Butler icon
Class Photos

Partner With an Experienced Dog Trainer

With our passion and commitment to helping dog owners achieve obedient companions, you will gain an experienced dog trainer with Hilton Butler. Our tried-and-true techniques have earned us a reputation for excellence. We believe in building a foundation of trust and prioritizing proper communication between dogs and their owners to foster successful, long-lasting dog training results.

Puppy Training

The importance of proactive training cannot be overstated. Hilton Butler extends our expertise towards helping new dog owners lay the groundwork for a lifetime of good behavior with our puppy training. Puppy training programs are the foundation of good behavior, including introductions to basic obedience and a focus on good manners and socialization that encourage a confident, trustworthy companion.

Basic Dog Training

Our basic dog training is a pillar in your journey towards optimizing your dog’s behavior and habits. Basic training focuses on the essentials, curating a strong foundation for obedience and manners. This program includes essential commands and behavior training techniques that promote your most respectful, well-mannered dog.

Advanced Dog Training

Once your dog has excelled in the basics of dog training, it’s time to take their skill set to the next level. With our advanced training program, we take an off-leash approach to mastering advanced obedience commands. This program helps dogs learn and recognize cues that award them freedom while ensuring owners remain in control.

Behavior Modification Training

If your companion struggles with anxiety, aggression, or reactivity, Hilton Butler is here to address and correct these challenges with behavior modification training. Our experienced dog trainers collaborate with you and your dog to identify and manage behavioral triggers. This rewarding approach effectively alleviates negative behaviors to promote confident owners and trusting, well-behaved dogs

Service Dog Training

If your companion serves a crucial role as a service dog, service dog training is essential. With our custom-tailored service dog training, we cater to veteran, therapy, and autism assistance dogs, guiding them toward a deeper understanding of their owners’ unique needs. This program is a well-rounded combination of advanced obedience, behavioral, and reaction training techniques.

Rescue & Puppy Recruiting

Whether you opt for a rescue pup or a specific breed, it’s essential to understand the traits and prominent characteristics found in your selected companion. That’s where Hilton Butler comes in. Our rescue and puppy recruiting program helps you determine the right breed for your home based on your needs and goals.

Choose Hilton Butler

Hilton Butler Inc. is a family-owned and operated business with nearly 20 years of time-honored experience. Hilton Butler’s military background awarded him exclusive insight into dog psychology and the why behind their behaviors. Using this knowledge, our programs are designed to promote unmatched obedience, socialization, and behavioral development.

Learn More About Our Dog Training Classes

Invest in your companion with Hilton Butler, Dallas-Fort Worth’s leading dog training destination. We serve as your partner, guiding you and your dog towards unlocking the full potential of your relationship to foster long-term obedience, manners, and trust. Contact our friendly team today to learn more about our K-9 dog training programs.

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2011 Co Rd 609
Farmersville, TX 75442


 Hours of Operation
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM